Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bike to the Sea video

Working to build a community bike trail, the Northern Strand Trail from Medford to Lynn.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Support The Food Project

The Lynn School Committee will vote on whether to renew The Food Project's lease at Ingalls Elementary School. Support is needed to help keep farming, and teaching young kids these values, which in turn help the community.

What you can do to help

Contact the Lynn School Committee
Call 781-593-1680 or email

Sign the Petition:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Help save a wooded area and wetland... Report Vernal Pools

Helping save the remaining woods and wildlife habitat in our communities could be achieved by reporting vernal pools.  There are many in our city that have been reported by ordinary citizens.   Toads, Salamanders and other species rely on vernal pools to survive.  Finding and reporting vernal pools, may be a big help in the future to preserve the land.

The Vernal Pool Assoc., ( ) offers simple examples of what to look for in vernal pools, and how to report them.  See photos below.

This is an example of a vernal pool.  There is a depression in the earth, that holds water in the fall to spring months, and can dry out in the summer.
Image courtesy of Vernal Pool Assoc.
These are examples of what might be found in a vernal pool...
Image courtesy of Vernal Pool Assoc.

Image courtesy of Vernal Pool Assoc.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bike to the Sea, destined for Lynn

The dream of a bike trail from Everett to Lynn is coming alive.  The trail is being considered in Lynn and other towns to take over the old railroad lines.  Bike trails surrounding Boston are known to be used by 10,000 people a day.  If a trail can come to Lynn, helping people bike to Lynn....  slowly but surely this could help Lynn become a vacation destination again. Imagine a bike trail opening from Boston to Lynn?  This will help create circulation through Lynn's downtown.  For a schematic of the proposed trail visit Bike to the Sea for more info.

"Iron Horse Preservation has ripped up the tracks through Everett!!! Onward to the Sea!!!"
~ says Stephen Winslow of  Bike to the Sea

Workers by Iron Horse Preservation, are ripping up the old railroad tracks to make way for a new bike trail. 
Photo by Rich Caruso of Bike to the Sea

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ocean-wave energy collector

Don't like the look or high-frequency sound of modern 'pin wheels'?  Check this out.  Bio Wave has invented a system that attaches to the ocean floor and collects energy from the waves...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bug fans

A good old fashioned way to keep the bugs off this summer without using toxic chemicals, gassing or smelly candlesticks is to use a simple fan. Bugs have a hard time flying in the breeze.

This helps sitting outside freely made easy on a patio or deck without the need of being enclosed within an insect screen, and helps create a nice breeze while being in the warm weather.

There are solar power collector and clip on fans for a more ecological method of not wasting energy.

Monday, June 7, 2010

LWSC offering discount rain barrels

The Lynn Water & Sewer Commission is offering discounted rain barrels for the price of $74.95.   The rain barrels are made in Peabody by the New England Rain Barrel Company to help residents conserve water and reduce storm water runoff.
The barrels are 55 gallon blue plastic containers recycled from the U.S. food industry.  The kit comes complete with a 6-inch inlet opening in the top covered with a screened louver, and have 2 brass spigots to connect to a hose for watering and for overflow. Included is a 5 foot starter hose with a shutoff valve and instructions. Homeowners may paint the barrels if a different color is preferred.

For more information call The New England Rain Barrel Company at 877-977-3135 or order online at www.nerainbarrel. com.   
Orders must be placed by Friday, June 25. 

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Clean Sweep to the Sea, June 12

Join us as we clean sweep the streets of Lynn to the Sea!

Saturday, June 12

9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

9:30 AM Registration begins at City Hall
10:00 AM Remarks from the Mayor and local officials
10:15 - 12:30 Trash pickup along various routes in the city  Official Rules 
12:30 - 2:30 PM Meet with Friends of Lynn and Nahant Beach for Cookout and Live Music at Red Rock Park

Friday, May 28, 2010

Cellular towers and antennas

Cell phone towers can become a neurological and cancerous risk to people's health, especially to children who have the highest risk.   
Scientists believe a safe distance from a tower should be 400-1000 meters.
The map below is found on    (according to scale, the circles represent 400m +/- )

In 2004, The International Association of Firefighters in North America passed a resolution to ban cellphone towers from firehouses.

Understanding we cannot avoid the reality of cellular antenna's in dense communities, it also remains disturbing to not be aware where they are hidden.  

Here are a few resources to protect your home from radiation:

More resources:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

How to Lobby

by the:

HOW TO SCHEDULE A MEETING WITH YOUR LEGISLATOR Now is the time to schedule meetings with your state representative and state senator. Most legislators are eager to meet with their constituents and look forward to hearing your opinions.
We strongly encourage you to meet with both of your legislators. However, our focus in organizing the State House Lobby Day for the Environmental Bond is to persuade the House of Representatives to take favorable action in support of the Bond (as a legislative body, the Senate is generally more favorable to environmental issues). Thus, your first priority in scheduling appointments should be to meet with your state representative. Allow yourself 15 minutes for each appointment, with 10 minutes for travel time between the House and Senate sides of the State House (refer to State House map).
To request a meeting with your state representative and state senator, you should:
Call your legislator’s State House office- refer to the State House directory for a list of legislators and office phone numbers;
Ask to speak with the legislator’s scheduler;
Introduce yourself as a constituent, stating your street address and city or town, as well as your affiliation to an organization that is a member of the Coalition for the Environmental Bond;
Explain that you will be attending a State House Lobby Day for the Environmental Bond on March 13th. Request a brief 15 minute appointment with your legislator to discuss the Bond. Be sure to schedule your appointment between 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.;
If he or she is unavailable, ask to meet with the legislator’s aide who is responsible for environmental issues.
If the scheduler or aide asks you for a bill number, inform them that the Environmental Bond is “House 4909, An Act Providing for the Preservation and Improvement of the Environmental Assets of the Commonwealth”.

HOW TO LOBBY YOUR LEGISLATOR Most legislators are eager to meet with their constituents and look forward to
hearing your opinions. When you meet with your legislator, you should:
Introduce yourself as a constituent, stating your street address and city or town, as well as your affiliation to an organization that is a member of the Coalition for the Environmental Bond;
Thank your legislator or his/her aide for taking the time to meet with you to discuss the Environmental Bond. Explain that you are attending a State House Lobby Day for the Environmental Bond along with citizens from across Massachusetts;
Ask the legislator or his/her aide for the legislator’s support of the Environmental Bond, H. 4909, An Act Providing for the Preservation and Improvement of the Environmental Assets of the Commonwealth;
Explain why the Environmental Bond is important to personally and why he/she should support your view. Address the Bond’s affect on your city or town or region if possible. Refer to the Fact Sheet, Question and Answer Summary, and other information provided in this packet for helpful ideas in developing your position;
If your legislator disagrees with your position, be respectful and firm but never angry. Ask the basis for his/her opposition. If you cannot provide information refuting his/her points, ask him/her for the opportunity to follow up your conversation with a letter that includes the information (and be sure to note this on your De-Brief form, so that we can help provide you with the necessary information);
Provide your legislator or his/her aide with the Fact Sheet and List of Members of the Coalition for the Environmental Bond for their file;
Within a few days after your meeting, mail your legislator a thank-you letter or postcard.
It’s that simple!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spring Pond action letters

Historic Spring Pond

Spring Pond and the nearby wooded areas are not only an important peaceful, breathtaking retreat to enjoy nature, but they played the same significant role in history too... as noted by historic famous writers and poets.
We don't want new developments destroying and replacing our environment and American Heritage.  We don't want them blasting our hill tops, and ledges, changing the landscapes.  We don't want them ruining the environment and we don't want them ruining our peaceful communities.
Our environment and limited places of retreat are irreplaceable.  
These new developments will become a HISTORIC CRIME if these wooded areas and hills near Spring Pond are destroyed.   Please be a voice in trying to conserve this significant, historical land which is important to this day.  
There are several references found in many historic books which signify the historic and environmental importance of Spring Pond and these woods. The following are two links to the related research found regarding these areas:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Zipcar goes to college

Zipcar goes to college.
Ok kids... North Shore College is Downtown, on the Lynnway, Rt. 1a, close to Boston and part of the North Shore.  If there is any campus the Zipcar should be is at NSCC.
If we can get them to come to Lynn's Campus, we can get this green car system to grow in Lynn.  Anyone can contact Zipcar's rep here...
The more interest we seek, maybe, just maybe they'll come.

Zipcar provides…

  • Expertise in transportation demand management
  • Fleet: Pick from a variety of fuel-efficient vehicles (choose your school colors, if you want)
  • Access to cars for all eligible drivers in your campus community (faculty, staff, students 18+/21+ depending on your location)
  • Zipcar technology with a world-class vehicle reservation system and easy-to-use account management tools
  • Dedicated account management and fleet staff
  • Marketing support

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lynn / Nahant Beach ~ DCR's Park Serve Day

Governor Deval Patrick 
Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray 
Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Ian Bowles 
Department of Conservation and Recreation Commissioner Rick Sullivan 
invite you to 

DCR's Park Serve Day 
Saturday, April 24, 2010 

 Pick a Park 
 Give a day 
 Make a difference 

~~~  Lynn / Nahant Beach Event  ~~~
Meet @ 9:00am - Ward Bathhouse
(Building on the beach near Nahant Rotary)
Supplies will be provided by DCR and the Friends of Lynn & Nahant Beach
Free t-shirts & refreshments will be available for all volunteers!
Sponsored by the Massachusetts DCR and the Friends of Lynn & Nahant Beach

Friday, April 16, 2010

Captain Planet Foundation grant

Captain Planet Foundation ~ Deadlines: March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31
Captain Planet Foundation provides funds for hands-on programs that promote understanding of environmental issues. Click here for details.

Gardening tools, seeds - Grant

Annie's Grants for Gardens ~ Deadline: Rolling 
Annie's offers a limited number of small grants to community gardens, school gardens, and other education programs that connect children directly to gardening. These funds may be used to buy gardening tools, seeds, or other gardening supplies. Click here for application details.

Fruit Tree Planting grants

Fruit Tree 101 ~ Deadline: Rolling 
This program of The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation brings fruit tree orchards to schoolyards, so students can make a positive environmental impact at their school, while creating a source of tasty snacks for decades to come. Click here to download an application.

Grant opportunity for youth gardens, by Subaru

The Subaru Healthy Sprouts Award recognizes and supports youth gardening programs focused on teaching about our environment, nutrition and hunger issues in the United States. During 2010, 30 organizations will receive a $500 gift certificate.  Applications are due by October 1, 2010.

Report any owls you hear near you

The Mass Audubon Society is collecting reports on any owls you hear with the new Owl Reporter. Check out our owl identification page for images and owl calls. The information you enter will be used for Breeding Bird Atlas II.  There are owls nesting in Lynn woods, and the woods by Spring Pond and other areas of Lynn.  Keep an ear out.

The Whip-poor-will count

Whip-poor-will Project is attempting to locate all the nesting places for these severely declining nightjars. Listen to their call on their website, then take a ride with the windows down on a night with lots of moonlight, and see if there are any calling in your area. Then send them the locality using the Whip-poor-will Reporter. Lynn is not reporting any, and this is sad!

The Oriole bird count

This year the Audubon Society is focusing on finding direct evidence of Oriole bird nesting, and they are also asking everyone to report online.
It’s easy to locate your Oriole sighting and report what you saw. The online reporting tool has been updated with questions geared toward our new nesting-focused approach to collecting Oriole information.

An Oriole for Every Town! 
They still lack records from 34 of the Commonwealth’s 351 towns. So our challenge is clear: Check out the  No-Oriole Towns, (Lynn has been a good reporter!).   You may also help the other towns on this list if you pass by them, and then locate a pair of orioles or two in these blank spots of the record.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Leaf and Yard Waste Curbside Collection

Monday, April 26, 2010, 7am
Curbside On Regular Trash Day
On Regular Trash Day

During the Weeks of: April 26, 2010 and May 17, 2010

Leaves, Grass and Other Easily Raked Material

No Stumps, Rocks or Plastic Bags - Larger Materials Will Not Be Collected


Placed at the Curbside Before 7AM

For Information/Questions Please Call: 781-477-7099 or 781- 268-8000

Friday, April 2, 2010

Stop the next door neighbors Garbage now!

Just cause it's happening next door in Salem, it doesn't mean it is not affecting us here in Lynn.  
If you think you will not be affected... you will.
Hundreds of dump trucks will be cutting through Western Ave, per day to reach this new dump site on Highland Ave in Salem.

To read more about the new purchase to create a new dump... *read here*

Read about Petition *here*