Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spring Pond action letters

Historic Spring Pond

Spring Pond and the nearby wooded areas are not only an important peaceful, breathtaking retreat to enjoy nature, but they played the same significant role in history too... as noted by historic famous writers and poets.
We don't want new developments destroying and replacing our environment and American Heritage.  We don't want them blasting our hill tops, and ledges, changing the landscapes.  We don't want them ruining the environment and we don't want them ruining our peaceful communities.
Our environment and limited places of retreat are irreplaceable.  
These new developments will become a HISTORIC CRIME if these wooded areas and hills near Spring Pond are destroyed.   Please be a voice in trying to conserve this significant, historical land which is important to this day.  
There are several references found in many historic books which signify the historic and environmental importance of Spring Pond and these woods. The following are two links to the related research found regarding these areas:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Zipcar goes to college

Zipcar goes to college.
Ok kids... North Shore College is Downtown, on the Lynnway, Rt. 1a, close to Boston and part of the North Shore.  If there is any campus the Zipcar should be is at NSCC.
If we can get them to come to Lynn's Campus, we can get this green car system to grow in Lynn.  Anyone can contact Zipcar's rep here...
The more interest we seek, maybe, just maybe they'll come.

Zipcar provides…

  • Expertise in transportation demand management
  • Fleet: Pick from a variety of fuel-efficient vehicles (choose your school colors, if you want)
  • Access to cars for all eligible drivers in your campus community (faculty, staff, students 18+/21+ depending on your location)
  • Zipcar technology with a world-class vehicle reservation system and easy-to-use account management tools
  • Dedicated account management and fleet staff
  • Marketing support

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lynn / Nahant Beach ~ DCR's Park Serve Day

Governor Deval Patrick 
Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray 
Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Ian Bowles 
Department of Conservation and Recreation Commissioner Rick Sullivan 
invite you to 

DCR's Park Serve Day 
Saturday, April 24, 2010 

 Pick a Park 
 Give a day 
 Make a difference 

~~~  Lynn / Nahant Beach Event  ~~~
Meet @ 9:00am - Ward Bathhouse
(Building on the beach near Nahant Rotary)
Supplies will be provided by DCR and the Friends of Lynn & Nahant Beach
Free t-shirts & refreshments will be available for all volunteers!
Sponsored by the Massachusetts DCR and the Friends of Lynn & Nahant Beach

Friday, April 16, 2010

Captain Planet Foundation grant

Captain Planet Foundation ~ Deadlines: March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31
Captain Planet Foundation provides funds for hands-on programs that promote understanding of environmental issues. Click here for details.

Gardening tools, seeds - Grant

Annie's Grants for Gardens ~ Deadline: Rolling 
Annie's offers a limited number of small grants to community gardens, school gardens, and other education programs that connect children directly to gardening. These funds may be used to buy gardening tools, seeds, or other gardening supplies. Click here for application details.

Fruit Tree Planting grants

Fruit Tree 101 ~ Deadline: Rolling 
This program of The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation brings fruit tree orchards to schoolyards, so students can make a positive environmental impact at their school, while creating a source of tasty snacks for decades to come. Click here to download an application.

Grant opportunity for youth gardens, by Subaru

The Subaru Healthy Sprouts Award recognizes and supports youth gardening programs focused on teaching about our environment, nutrition and hunger issues in the United States. During 2010, 30 organizations will receive a $500 gift certificate.  Applications are due by October 1, 2010.

Report any owls you hear near you

The Mass Audubon Society is collecting reports on any owls you hear with the new Owl Reporter. Check out our owl identification page for images and owl calls. The information you enter will be used for Breeding Bird Atlas II.  There are owls nesting in Lynn woods, and the woods by Spring Pond and other areas of Lynn.  Keep an ear out.

The Whip-poor-will count

Whip-poor-will Project is attempting to locate all the nesting places for these severely declining nightjars. Listen to their call on their website, then take a ride with the windows down on a night with lots of moonlight, and see if there are any calling in your area. Then send them the locality using the Whip-poor-will Reporter. Lynn is not reporting any, and this is sad!

The Oriole bird count

This year the Audubon Society is focusing on finding direct evidence of Oriole bird nesting, and they are also asking everyone to report online.
It’s easy to locate your Oriole sighting and report what you saw. The online reporting tool has been updated with questions geared toward our new nesting-focused approach to collecting Oriole information.

An Oriole for Every Town! 
They still lack records from 34 of the Commonwealth’s 351 towns. So our challenge is clear: Check out the  No-Oriole Towns, (Lynn has been a good reporter!).   You may also help the other towns on this list if you pass by them, and then locate a pair of orioles or two in these blank spots of the record.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Leaf and Yard Waste Curbside Collection

Monday, April 26, 2010, 7am
Curbside On Regular Trash Day
On Regular Trash Day

During the Weeks of: April 26, 2010 and May 17, 2010

Leaves, Grass and Other Easily Raked Material

No Stumps, Rocks or Plastic Bags - Larger Materials Will Not Be Collected


Placed at the Curbside Before 7AM

For Information/Questions Please Call: 781-477-7099 or 781- 268-8000

Friday, April 2, 2010

Stop the next door neighbors Garbage now!

Just cause it's happening next door in Salem, it doesn't mean it is not affecting us here in Lynn.  
If you think you will not be affected... you will.
Hundreds of dump trucks will be cutting through Western Ave, per day to reach this new dump site on Highland Ave in Salem.

To read more about the new purchase to create a new dump... *read here*

Read about Petition *here*