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HOW TO SCHEDULE A MEETING WITH YOUR LEGISLATOR Now is the time to schedule meetings with your state representative and state senator. Most legislators are eager to meet with their constituents and look forward to hearing your opinions.
We strongly encourage you to meet with both of your legislators. However, our focus in organizing the State House Lobby Day for the Environmental Bond is to persuade the House of Representatives to take favorable action in support of the Bond (as a legislative body, the Senate is generally more favorable to environmental issues). Thus, your first priority in scheduling appointments should be to meet with your state representative. Allow yourself 15 minutes for each appointment, with 10 minutes for travel time between the House and Senate sides of the State House (refer to State House map).
To request a meeting with your state representative and state senator, you should:
• Call your legislator’s State House office- refer to the State House directory for a list of legislators and office phone numbers;
• Ask to speak with the legislator’s scheduler;
• Introduce yourself as a constituent, stating your street address and city or town, as well as your affiliation to an organization that is a member of the Coalition for the Environmental Bond;
• Explain that you will be attending a State House Lobby Day for the Environmental Bond on March 13th. Request a brief 15 minute appointment with your legislator to discuss the Bond. Be sure to schedule your appointment between 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.;
• If he or she is unavailable, ask to meet with the legislator’s aide who is responsible for environmental issues.
• If the scheduler or aide asks you for a bill number, inform them that the Environmental Bond is “House 4909, An Act Providing for the Preservation and Improvement of the Environmental Assets of the Commonwealth”.
HOW TO LOBBY YOUR LEGISLATOR Most legislators are eager to meet with their constituents and look forward to
hearing your opinions. When you meet with your legislator, you should:
• Introduce yourself as a constituent, stating your street address and city or town, as well as your affiliation to an organization that is a member of the Coalition for the Environmental Bond;
• Thank your legislator or his/her aide for taking the time to meet with you to discuss the Environmental Bond. Explain that you are attending a State House Lobby Day for the Environmental Bond along with citizens from across Massachusetts;
• Ask the legislator or his/her aide for the legislator’s support of the Environmental Bond, H. 4909, An Act Providing for the Preservation and Improvement of the Environmental Assets of the Commonwealth;
• Explain why the Environmental Bond is important to personally and why he/she should support your view. Address the Bond’s affect on your city or town or region if possible. Refer to the Fact Sheet, Question and Answer Summary, and other information provided in this packet for helpful ideas in developing your position;
• If your legislator disagrees with your position, be respectful and firm but never angry. Ask the basis for his/her opposition. If you cannot provide information refuting his/her points, ask him/her for the opportunity to follow up your conversation with a letter that includes the information (and be sure to note this on your De-Brief form, so that we can help provide you with the necessary information);
• Provide your legislator or his/her aide with the Fact Sheet and List of Members of the Coalition for the Environmental Bond for their file;
• Within a few days after your meeting, mail your legislator a thank-you letter or postcard.
It’s that simple!