Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Support The Food Project

The Lynn School Committee will vote on whether to renew The Food Project's lease at Ingalls Elementary School. Support is needed to help keep farming, and teaching young kids these values, which in turn help the community.

What you can do to help

Contact the Lynn School Committee
Call 781-593-1680 or email

Sign the Petition:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Help save a wooded area and wetland... Report Vernal Pools

Helping save the remaining woods and wildlife habitat in our communities could be achieved by reporting vernal pools.  There are many in our city that have been reported by ordinary citizens.   Toads, Salamanders and other species rely on vernal pools to survive.  Finding and reporting vernal pools, may be a big help in the future to preserve the land.

The Vernal Pool Assoc., ( ) offers simple examples of what to look for in vernal pools, and how to report them.  See photos below.

This is an example of a vernal pool.  There is a depression in the earth, that holds water in the fall to spring months, and can dry out in the summer.
Image courtesy of Vernal Pool Assoc.
These are examples of what might be found in a vernal pool...
Image courtesy of Vernal Pool Assoc.

Image courtesy of Vernal Pool Assoc.