Corporate polluters are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to block progress on clean energy jobs, independence from fossil fuels and efforts to fight global warming.
These climate criminals will stop at nothing to mislead the public and our elected officials about global warming in order to line their own pockets. And even though they’re right out there in the open, you might not notice them. That’s because they go by names like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the American Petroleum Institute, Americans for Prosperity, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity…the list goes on and on.
Big corporations know that the public doesn’t trust them. So they funnel millions of dollars to front groups to do their dirty work. No one has perfected this over the years quite like Exxon Mobil and their CEO Rex Tillerson. That’s why we started Project PolluterWatch -- to hold people like Mr. Tillerson accountable by educating the public about polluter influence peddling and propaganda.
Help us get started by putting up “wanted” posters for Mr. Tillerson in your hometown!
The idea is a simple one: download our short one-page toolkit and print out a few copies of the “wanted” poster we have created for Rex Tillerson. Then, take some time over the next couple of weeks and put them up around town. It’s as easy as that and should be a lot of fun.
We need to make sure that everyone in your community knows who is really responsible for stalling progress on global warming. Because until people start putting names and faces with the groups who are undermining our future, we’re not going to be able to separate their propaganda from the truth and stop global warming. Take action today!
Have fun!
~ A message from GreenPeace USA
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